Optimization of Preventive maintenance with Downtime and Setup Time Using Goal Programming Method at XY Sugar Factory
Downtime, Setup Time, Goal ProgammingAbstract
This research analyzes downtime and setup time at XY Sugar Factory for the period May 2023 to September 2023. The main objectives of the study were to evaluate the difference between the actual downtime and setup time and the set targets, as well as optimize operational efficiency through the Goal Programming method. The results showed that the actual downtime at Boiler, Mill, and Power House stations exceeded the target, with a significant positive deviation. Similarly, setup times at all stations were higher than the set targets. Overall, the actual total downtime and setup time exceeded the target with a large positive deviation. This study suggests strengthening the preventive maintenance system, managing setup time more efficiently, and adjusting targets to improve efficiency. The results of this study are expected to provide practical recommendations in reducing downtime and setup time and increasing plant productivity.
Keywords: Downtime, Setup Time, Goal Progamming
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